We are still open for face-to-face appointments and taking all necessary safety precautions as outlined below.
COVID-19 causes infections of the nose, throat and lungs. It is most commonly spread from an infected person through:
respiratory droplets generated when you cough or sneeze
close, prolonged personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands
touching something with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose or eyes before washing your hands
The risk for COVID-19 may be increased for certain settings such as:
cruise ships
crowded areas (such as public transit and shopping centres)
gatherings (spiritual and cultural settings, theatres, sports arenas, festivals and conferences)
close contact between two people
There is an increased risk of more severe outcomes for
people aged 65 and over
with compromised immune systems
with underlying medical conditions
It is important to understand that face-to-face consultations are likely to involve sustained close contact for between 30-45mins. This increases the risk of transmission of COVID-19 even with the appropriate PPE being worn.
This is what WE are doing to protect you and ourselves within the clinic:
our therapists are not exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19 infection. They are testing their temperature on a daily basis to catch anything early.
our therapists will be wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at all times, which will include disposable gloves, a disposable apron, a face mask and a face shield. Those will be disposed of and/or decontaminated in between clients.
our therapists will be making use of hand sanitiser and washing their hands in between clients
appointments will have 15 mins gaps in between clients. That will ensure our therapists can change their PPE, decontaminate the treatment room (wipe surfaces, massage couch, chairs, credit card machine, etc) and air the room for the next person.
all flooring is being wiped at least once a day.
your therapist might check your temperature with a non-contact infrared thermometer.
we only accept card payments. We suggest you making a pre-paying online, on the phone or via BACs prior to attending in order to avoid contact with the card machine.
Here’s what YOU will need to do in order to attend an appointment:
not have symptoms, be a suspected case or have come into contact with a suspected Covid-19 case.
ensure you have a face mask on at all times.
sanitise your hands using the hand sanitiser provided by us in the waiting area.
please arrive for your appointment ON TIME, not earlier, in order to avoid crossing paths with the previous client.
Those in a high risk demographic (aged over 70, pregnant or immune compromised) are strongly recommended NOT to receive the treatment.
Ultimately, at Resilient Rehab, we are doing all that we reasonably can to minimise risk whilst remaining open. However, we cannot eliminate risk, especially as COVID-19 can be spread by those showing no symptoms.